
2006-11-12 12:43 pm
小弟係英國civil 碩士畢業, 做左約一年consultant, 但見到香港civil前景好差, 已經resign左, 但搵工搵左幾個星期, 連interview機會都冇, 想搵一行發展較好及穩定既行業, 但真係唔知可以搵咩. 個人就比較鐘意諗野, communication ok , 想做d 將來大陸都有發展前景既工.

因為建築界前景唔好, 好多civil人都轉左工, 到底可以轉d咩工呢?

各位, 可唔可以俾小弟一些意見, 多謝

回答 (3)

2006-11-13 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
我之前都是在美國civil 畢業, 係bachelor degree, 我同你一樣, 做左一間engineering consultant, 但在裏面我最後係做左market research analyst. 而最後我現在都係去左做event marketing , 當然同時都考慮緊去apply d 有training 同prospect 的management trainee.

其實呢, 如果你要轉行, 你一定會show 到committment 去轉行, 我聽到最近政府好似有得考AO & EO, 你都可以去試下. 又或者你可以apply hsbc 或其他大公司的management trainee (當然係好多人同你一齊apply, 但佢地都會consider 工程系的學生). 如果你有少少statistic 底, 可以試下AC Nielsen 或其他marketing 的公司...... 另外, 我聽聞國泰的management trainee 好快就deadline (好似係12月12日左右), 你都可以去留意下

2006-11-13 8:40 am
I think you are thinking too much. The market is not as bad as I think, please try the following routes:
1) Quantity Surveying (Civil)
2) Project Management
3) Planner

For item 1 and 2, you can try different consultants and clients. There are lots of openings, please try to write a letter to them irrespective if they have opening or not. There are a lot of firms looking for PMs these days, particularly with project with complexity. These projects are normally in Middle East, northern China and Macau.

For item 3, you need to understand MS Project and P3. A lot of thinking and re-thinking required. This might suit you.

Hope these are helpful and good luck. If you need further assistance, e-mail me.
2006-11-12 1:26 pm
Many of my friends graduated from Civil have become an auditor working in one of the Big Four Accounting firm. There is a very big potential market in mainland China. The future path is not bad. Think about it!!!

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