
2006-11-12 9:33 am
我個FD SD左個ZIP檔案俾我。但我開唔到.唔知係咪要DL D FILE開定點?

回答 (5)

2006-11-12 9:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
2006-11-12 9:43 am
去7-zip download啦..呢個檔支援好多種zip file架..唔駛分開download咁多種!又有english或者中文!好好架..我都用緊..不妨試下
參考: 自己
2006-11-12 9:38 am
u can search "zip" in the yaho search engiene.u will have some web site.then u choose one which have zip install file.u install it ,u can open zip file.
But plz ensure u file is .zip or.rar.
參考: from my experience
2006-11-12 9:37 am
www.winzip.com d/l WinZip 就可以解開zip file架喇
2006-11-12 9:37 am
Are you using windows xp?
If you using windows xp, you should be able to open it by double click it.

If you cannot, go to winzip.com download a shareware "Winzip" version 10 now.
After 45 days trial, you should be able to use the software, but you will need to click some agree button each time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:17:38
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