
2006-11-12 9:26 am
我有一部手提電腦Fujitsu"E8210", display card 用ATI X1400,同一部桌上電腦,display card用 Quadro4 380 XGL。

要咩card咩線咩sofeware點set? 煩請詳細列明,因小弟對此方面認識比較小,十分感激。

參考:(notebook 15.4" 16:9 , desktop PC 19")


回答 (2)

2006-11-12 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Generally, if you go to Windows Display card properties and you see two monitors showed there, then your video card support dual output. When a say dual output, I mean by two screen working together as one where you can drag window from one to the other. If the Display properties only show one monitor, then your video card does not support dual display.

It seems that your Fujitsu laptop can only support single monitor, even if it has a monitor output, it'll only support identical display at your laptop and external monitor.

This is the same for your desktop PC which have Quadro4 380 XGL which generally have both VGA and DVI output. But both outputs are identical.
2006-11-12 7:58 pm
不太明你的意思, 如果只想你的19吋Mon可單獨(不同一時間)作為你的手提或枱機的Mon就只須買一個數拾元起的switch和接線, 接好線就可以以一個Mon分別看枱機或手提的晝面. 但不會同時顯示兩機的晝面. 至於解像度不同, 一般情況下19吋可顯1280X1024或寬幕19吋的1440x900. 如果你的手提顯示設定低於即不大過19吋mon的顯示範圉就無問題. 最多wall paper變長或扁了.

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