
2006-11-12 8:08 am
i would like to ask for Sarah Liao Sau-Tung(secretary of Environment, Transport and Works Bureau) 's background

for example:which university did she study?
which kind of family did she birth?

佢做過咩jobs,,,做 secretary of Environment, Transport and Works Bureau前在government take up過咩 pos.

回答 (7)

2006-11-12 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案


廖秀冬 (Sarah Liao Sau-tung),女,現年51歲(2002年),她於1995年及1996年分別成為英國皇家化學院院士及香港工程師學會院士。她積極支援及參與推動環保工作,發展多個綠色團體的服務,並曾協助主持多個國際環保會議。2001年,她獲聘為北京申辦奧運之環保專家。她曾出任多個公共服務職位,包括消費者委員會研究和試驗小組委員會主席、職業安全健康局成員、香港房屋委員會建築小組委員會委員。目前,她是空氣污染管理上訴委員會、大學教育資助委員會和創新及科技基金轄下兩個評審小組的成員。2002年7月任香港特區政府環境運輸及工務局局長。
2006-11-14 1:23 am

 廖秀冬 (Sarah Liao Sau-tung),女,現年51歲(2002年),她於1995年及1996年分別成為英國皇家化學院院士及香港工程師學會院士。她積極支援及參與推動環保工作,發展多個綠色團體的服務,並曾協助主持多個國際環保會議。2001年,她獲聘為北京申辦奧運之環保專家。她曾出任多個公共服務職位,包括消費者委員會研究和試驗小組委員會主席、職業安全健康局成員、香港房屋委員會建築小組委員會委員。目前,她是空氣污染管理上訴委員會、大學教育資助委員會和創新及科技基金轄下兩個評審小組的成員。2002年7月任香港特區政府環境運輸及工務局局長。
參考: 政府網頁
2006-11-12 5:34 pm
Sarah Liao Sau Tung (Chinese: 廖秀冬) is Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and a member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong 2002. She was appointed to her post on August 1, 2002.


Liao graduated from the Diocesan Girls' School and earned her bachelor's degree (chemistry and botany), master's degree (inorganic chemistry) and doctorate (environmental/occupational health) from the University of Hong Kong. She was also awarded a master's degree (analytical chemistry) by the University of Birmingham.

Liao is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and an Honorary Professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong.

During her university years, Liao joined St. John's College as a residential member from 1970 and has served as the female sports captain from 1971-1972.
2006-11-12 8:27 am
2006-11-12 8:27 am
呢 d 最好梗係在政府網頁找啦

2006-11-12 8:12 am
A dedicated environmental scientist/engineer, Dr Liao's career in environmental protection began in 1976 at the University of Hong Kong when she supervised the first Government-funded annual air-monitoring project. In 1988, Dr Liao founded an environmental consulting company which was regularly consulted by the Government, institutions, architects and developers. In 1997, it merged with an international engineering consulting firm and her management role was extended to the Mainland and Taiwan. In 2001, Dr Liao was appointed the environmental expert/presenter for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee.

Dr Liao is a member of the Executive Council, an organ for assisting the HKSAR Chief Executive in policy-making.

Dr Liao earned her Bachelor's Degree (Chemistry and Botany), Master's Degree (Inorganic Chemistry) and Doctorate Degree (Environmental/Occupational Health) from the University of Hong Kong. She was also awarded a Master's Degree (Analytical Chemistry) by the University of Birmingham, U.K.

Dr Liao is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K. She is an Honorary Professor of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Hong Kong.

2006-11-12 00:16:05 補充:
Liao graduated from the Diocesan Girls' School.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Liao
2006-11-12 8:11 am

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