Computer Systems---Hardware (15分)

2006-11-12 6:49 am
You have been asked to produce a guide to buying a personal computer by a fellow student on your course. The student has a budget for hardware of 1500 英磅. Avoiding technical terms as far as possible, produce a guide that addresses the following:

b) Select at least two computer systems that meet the requirements specified. Evaluate each of systems in turn and make a recommendation to the student.

唔係好知個方向應該點答~請指教! 洗唔洗提及錢?

a) Produce a detailed specification for a personal computer system. You should describe the system in terms of input, output and storage devices needed. Justify any choice made and explain any technical terms used. 其實A同B有咩唔同既地方?


b part個度,咁我洗唔洗list埋部機要用幾多G既CPU,RAM要咩,Hard disk要用咩咁架? two computer systems,咁我可唔可以俾一部desktop computer同一部notebook佢揀? 唔該晒~

回答 (1)

2006-11-12 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
a part果度...你需要講左有邊類硬件要買~~
有d咩input device~~processing unit~~output device~~storage~~
In a personal computer system, there are input devices, processing unit, output devices and storage devices.
For input device, there are keyboard, mouse and scanner. A keyboard is used to......
In the other hand, for processing unit, there is central processing unit.......
The instruction form input device......
lee度並冇要求你講出specific hardware~~剩係要講what kinds~
主要目的係講成部機點運作~~咩hardware能夠 [幫助] 佢做到咩~~
要注意ge係 [Avoiding technical terms]~~除非必要...否則唔好深入討論~~
即使要講...千其唔好大篇幅咁講~~簡單陳述就拎到分ga la~~

b part方面比較自由...
只要就要就住你a part所題及ge所有野寫兩個list~~又唔過1500鎊就得~~
需要你指定要邊d specific hardware~~簡單講下點解用lee d件...
總之...你講清點解用兩張list~圍住lee點去make recommendation就冇死~

2006-11-12 02:58:39 補充:
唔好意思...有地方打錯...In the other hand應該轉番做On the other hand...==

2006-11-12 15:03:12 補充:
b part果度就係要係list lee d野出黎去滿足佢~~不過應該可以唔講咩廠~~剩係講幾多GB~~大約價位都得~~(佢應該唔會specific到要你記sai所有價錢ge~~當然~~你記得咩廠好可以咁做~~)總之你[砌]到係personal computer~~又響1500鎊樓下就得~~(都幾難過...家陣1兌14.8...$22000...==)不過...notebook(NB)好似唔算係personal computer(PC)...

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