我想問如果飛機cancel 左,可以搵邊個負責

2006-11-12 5:55 am

回答 (4)

2006-11-12 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
In most case, the airlines will arrange for you to get to your final destinations as quickly as possible... And between most airlines, they would have agreement to take up passengers if each others flight suffer from huge delay or cancellation...
But in most case, the airlines itself will transfer you to their own flights first if there are more flights on the route to depart later on that day... They will try to transfer you to those flights and will provide you a free food vouchare to use in the airport...
If you have a onward connect after that flight, you can contact the staff of the airlines for a special arrangement like transfer you onto a direct services if possible or provide a later connection... If there is no later connection, then they airlines will usually provide you a hotel room on the transit airport hotel or delay your journey for a day and in return some conpensation which depence on airlines...
In the worst case where there are only 1 Daily flight on the route, the airlines will have to put you onto the flight next day or fly 2 flight on the next day to recover the schedule... Sometimes they will transfer you to other airlines wherever possible and if it will get you to your final destinations quicker...
Having said that, these are also depending on the airlines and how they tackle the problem as different airlines would have different arrangement... But at the end of the day, their first piority will be to get you to your destinations with the least delay cause by this cancellation...
And in most case, the airlines will also give you food vouchare if they transfer you to a later flight... Or a hotel room if they transfer you to the next day with free meals... And usually on behalf of these food vouchare or hotel room... The airlines will give you additional compensation too BUT this purely depence on the airlines as on the terms and condition when you buy the ticket... The airlines have NO responsibility of giving you additional compensation apart from the food vouchares or hotel rooms... So these additional compensation are from the airlines own wish to give out or not...
For example, Cathay Pacific will give you compensation of over 1500HKD as additional compensation for long delays, cancellation or anything being their fault... But for Oasis Hong Kong, they will give you food vouchares and a room to stay over night only if there is any cancellation...
SO the additional are from the airlines own will... BUT the airlines have the responsibility to transfer you to other flights to get to your final destinations (not necessary other airlines), but at to your finaly destinations... And with delay over night, the airlines will have to provide hotel rooms and free meals too... For flights over 5 hours, you will get some food vouchares for some food and drinks in the airport terminal...

2006-11-11 22:46:59 補充:
Allow you to fly with other carriers or not is purely depend on the agreement between airlines... But usually this would be possible... But that all depence on the arrangement by the airlines...

2006-11-11 23:11:12 補充:
Also, although not all cancellation of flights are caused by airlines... But the airlines have the responsibility to get you to your destination ontime... So even if its not airlines fault, they are still responsible...
2006-11-12 6:35 pm
you may take any other airline but the chance are very low
2006-11-12 6:04 am
如果飛機cancel 左,緊係搵返個間航空公司追討你既損失
好多野都係睇情況的!!! 而且,仲要睇埋你個間係咩航空公司同你坐既係咩class!
參考: 個人意見
2006-11-12 6:03 am
会安排你食宿和一般需要 然后安排你搭乘下一班飞机


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