Fruit juice

2006-11-12 4:35 am
Wt is product life cycle?
Can anyone tell me the product life cycle of fruit juice?

回答 (1)

2006-11-13 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Product Life Cycle refers to the succession of stages a product goes through.

Products tend to go through five stages:

New product development stage
very expensive
no sales revenue

Market introduction stage
cost high
sales volume low
no/little competition - competitive manufacturers watch for acceptance/segment growth

Growth stage
costs reduced due to economies of scale
sales volume increases significantly
public awareness
competition begins to increase with a few new players in establishing market
prices to maximize market share

Mature stage
costs are very low as you are well established in market & no need for publicity.
sales volume peaks
increase in competitive offerings
prices tend to drop due to the proliferation of competing products
brand differentiation, feature diversification, as each player seeks to differentiate from competition with "how much product" is offered
very profitable

Decline or Stability stage
costs become counter-optimal
sales volume decline or stabilize
prices, profitability diminish
profit becomes more a challenge of production/distribution efficiency than increased sales

Project Summary Life Cycle Design of Milk and Juice Packaging:

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:04:51
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