
2006-11-12 4:15 am

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2006-11-18 12:52 am
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Swan Lake

原編舞:Act 1 & 3由Marius Petipa,Act 2 & 4由Lev Ivanov

音樂:Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)



Act 1 第一幕:城堡的庭院,齊格菲王子的生日慶典


Act 2 第二幕:湖伴


Act 3 第三幕:城堡內的宴會廳


Act 4 第四幕:湖伴

天鵝群在湖邊畏縮在羅伯特的魔咒下,心碎的奧德蒂回來告訴同伴王子背棄子她。她們努力安慰奧德蒂,但奧德蒂已覺生無可戀,為了脫離魔咒,她決定投胡自盡。這時候,王子趕至,而羅伯特亦同時喚起風雨,欲阻止王子見奧德蒂,但王子還是找到 奧德蒂並向她解釋自己誤入了羅伯特的圈套而受蒙騙,懇來奧德蒂原諒。最後,奧德蒂原諒了王子,並跟王子互訂終身,羅伯特趕上前阻止,著王子一定要屐行承諾,跟他的女兒奧狄莉結婚,並要令奧德蒂永遠成為天鵝。王子跟奧德蒂這對戀人苦無他法,決定殉情。羅伯特阻止他們,因為若他倆死了,自己亦隨之幻減。可惜,一切為時已晚,王子與奧德蒂已雙雙投湖。


The Sleeping Beauty

原編舞:Marius Petipa

音樂:Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)


首演舞者:Carlotta Brianza飾Princess Aurora

Pavel Gerdt飾Prince Desire

Enrico Cecchetti飾Carabosse和藍鳥




Act 1 第一幕:愛麗娜公主的十六歲生日

四位來自不同國家的王弓向公主求婚,並向公主獻上玫瑰花,公主和王子們跳了一段著名的 "Rose Adagio",這時邪惡的Carabosse偽裝成一位婦人,潛入皇宮,並送了一個紡錘給公主。公主對這陌生的事物很感興趣,非常高興,並拿起這紡錘翩翩起舞。但不幸地,公主被紡鍾中的刺刺到,慢慢暈到在地上,沉睡一百年,這時丁香仙子現身並將公主放在床上,然後施法令整座皇宮陷入沉睡狀態。

Act 2 第二幕:幻景



Act 3 第三幕:皇宮

Desire王子與愛麗娜公主舉行婚禮,童話故事中的人物,包括藍鳥和Florina公主,穿長靴的貓,小紅帽,四位寶石仙子和丁香仙子都到來祝賀。當中藍鳥的獨舞是非常有名的,是非常難的一段男性獨舞。公主和王子跳了一段華麗的Grand Pas de Deux後,在一片歡樂中完結。

The Nutcracker

原編舞:Lev Ivanov

音樂:Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)


首演舞者:Antonietta dell'Era飾Sugar Plum Fairy糖梅仙子

Pavel Gerdt飾糖梅仙子的騎士

Sergey Legat飾胡桃夾子

1891年,Tchaikovsky受命為馬林斯基劇院的一場Double Bill表演,替一個E.T.A. Hoffman的故事「胡桃夾子和老鼠王」為題的芭蕾舞劇作曲,而Marius Peptipa則負責編舞。但Peptipa在編排好所場景後便病倒了,於是編舞的工作更落了在他的助手Ivanov身上。胡桃夾子於1892年的首演由於其薄弱的故事線和Ballerina的戲份太少而失敗,但Tchaikovsky的音樂和適合聖誕觀賞的題裁令很多編舞家都為胡桃夾子編排了不同的版本。胡桃夾子現在成了每年聖誕世界和地必定上演的劇目,但Ivanov所編的版本已經無人再演了。

Act 1 - Scene 1 第一幕 - 第一場:


Act 1 - Scene 2 第一幕 - 第二場:


Act 1 - Scene 3 第一幕 - 第三場:


舞會開始後,孩子們的教父杜西米爾及其外甥到來,並表演木偶戲以娛樂孩子。木偶戲中三位主角分別是糖梅仙子、胡桃夾子王子及老鼠王。杜西米爾更送了一份特別的禮物給嘉麗 - 一個胡桃夾子小木偶,嘉麗十分高興。費殊妒忌起來,搶了那個胡桃夾子木偶,將它摔破。外甥將胡桃夾子修好,還給嘉麗。斯塔鮑姆一家帶領眾賓客翩翩起舞。

Act 1 - Scene 4 第一幕 - 第四場:


Act 2 - Scene 1 第二幕 - 第一場:


Act 2 - Scene 2 第二幕 - 第二場:

2006-11-12 11:35 am
Music by Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky
ACT I: A meadow near the castle. Afternoon. Price Siegfried has organized a hunting party to celebrate his twenty-first birthday. The peasants of the district have been given a holiday and have arranged a picnic which the Prince has promised to attend. The picnic is interrupted by the arrival of the Queen Mother, who reminds her son that it is his duty at his coming-of-age ball to chose a bride from one of six eligible princesses. As the day draws to a close, the peasants take their leave. The Prince, sad at the thought of his carefree youth slipping away, is roused out of his mood by Benno, who has sighted a flight of swans. The Prince, deciding the night is still to be enjoyed, orders pursuit, and the hunters leave.
ACT II: Some hours later. By the lake. As Prince Siegfried enters the forest to hunt, he suddenly sees a magnificent swan in flight. He carefully takes aim, but, to his astonishment, the bird transforms into a most beautiful girl, and he withdraws into the trees to observe her. Unable to restrain his curiosity, he steps out, only to startle and frighten her. He assures her he will do no harm and asks her to explain the marvel he has just seen. Impressed by his gentleness, Odette unburdens the story of her plight. She tells him she is a Princess of high birth who fell under the spell of an evil sorcerer, and now her fate is to be a swan; only in hours of darkness may she assume her human guise. Indeed, this very lake is filled with her mother's tears. She tells him she is condemned for eternity, and only if a virgin youth swears eternal fidelity to her and marries her can she find release. Only then can the spell be broken. But, if he should forswear her, then she must remain a swan forever. At that moment, the sorcerer appears. The Prince in his passion reaches for his crossbow, but Odette immediately protects the sorcerer with her body, for she knows that if he is killed before the spell is broken, she too will die. The sorcerer disappears, and Odette slips away into the forest. Siegfried realizes his destiny is changed. Dawn approaches and Odette is compelled by the spell to return to her guise as a swan. Siegfried is left distraught.
ACT III: The next night, The Great Hall. Guests from many royal houses assemble for the birthday ball, including six princesses and their retinues, whom the Queen Mother has chosen as eligible maidens for her son's hand. The Queen Mother commands the entertainment to begin, then invites the princesses to dance. Prince Siegfried dances with each of the beautiful young maidens in turn. The Queen Mother urges Siegfried to make a decision, but, haunted by the memory of Odette, he refuses, to his mother's consternation. A fanfare announces the arrival of the Baron Von Rothbart with his daughter Odile. Siegfried, who is dazzled by Odile's beauty and seduced by her resemblance to Odette, declares his love and fidelity. Rothbart and Odile triumphantly reveal their deception, and Siegfried realizes he is the victim of an evil plot. He rushes into the night.
ACT IV: The lakeside. That night. The swan-maidens are anxious at the disappearance of Odette. She appears and tells of Rothbart's treachery; before dawn, she intends to die, A great storm rages. Siegfried, bursting into the glade, discovers her and begs her forgiveness.
As dawn approaches, Rothbart appears again in his disguise as a sorcerer. Odette tells Siegfried she must kill herself, or she will forever be a swan. Siegfried, knowing that his destiny is forever changed, declares he will die with her, thus breaking the power of Rothbart. The lovers throw themselves into the lake. Rothbart is mortally struck and his power ended.
Apotheosis: The lovers are united in life after death.


收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:47:05
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