
2006-11-12 2:59 am
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2006-11-12 8:24 pm
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另外一個因素是細胞退化,每個細胞都知道它們的壽命,這個現象稱為program death,當細胞運作一段時間後,細胞便開始疲勞、衰退以至死亡。這時候器官慢慢失去功能,這樣我們便會退化而死。

參考: 香港大學醫學院放財腫瘤學系岑信棠教授( 選取自黃巴士 )
2006-11-12 6:34 pm
this is a basic concept of evolution, only the success can survive.
and most of which.. depend on our genetic composition.
e.g. why many african has sickle cell anemia? because malaria is common in africa, but they cannot infect the sickled cell! so, those genetically carring this abnormal gene will be free from malaria.. and those are normal may die from the disease.

because of our medical advance, we have already prolonging some life e.g.beta thalaseamia major.

so, other than the physical damage, we are mostly killed by our own genetic composition (many cancer is caused by individual mutation or mutation from familty) and also pathogen. but how our body react to different pathogen, it is depends on our immunity (which differ by nutrition, life style, pressure.. etc)

lastly, every cell division shorten the length of telomere of each chromosome. some scientist estimate that, the telomere can only provide the cell divisions upto around 200 years. if no cell division, there is no cell regeneration. so we die anyway.
2006-11-12 6:09 pm
2006-11-12 4:40 am

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