
2006-11-12 2:31 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-12 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. health deteriation --> labour productivity 下降
2. burden on medical services上升, 加重醫管局負擔
3. 醉酒駕駛 -> 交通意外 -> 醫療問題
4. misbehaviour --> crime rate 上升
5. bad temper --> family problem --> demand for social work上升
6. 醉酒人士可能會影響市容, 有損城市形象, 有礙外資投資意欲
2006-11-12 6:56 am
First of all, in short term, the average productivity of the society will probably drop. More drunken labour, the worse is the productivity.

In medium to long term, the demand on medical services increases. It is because alcohol demages one's health, especially liver. As a result, the demand of medical service increases.

With the demand on medical service increases, the government spending is also likely to be increased, as medication is a significant part of it. Followed by this, as a result, the fiscal situation of the governtment is worsen.
參考: me@uk

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