聖誕in London... 可以做乜?

2006-11-12 1:42 am
我同屋企人22日至27日會在London... 但近排先知London 25同26日全休息...
有人試過呢兩日係london過嗎? 請問在呢兩日做了甚麼呢?? 有什麼好建議??

我係去玩啦~~~ haaha~~~ 27號一早會搭飛機去edinburgh... 所以去唔到harrods big sale... 前幾日(22-24)去既話, 會唔會有少量貨品on sale架??


Yes... I will be in Edinburgh... BUT it seems that the ticket of Hogsmany have been sold out already... Do you know if there are any good shopping malls in Edinburgh?? Or is it better to go to Glasgow??

回答 (2)

2006-11-12 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you coming for holiday?
25 and 26 真的沒什麼好去。所有店舖、博物館必須休息,唐人街也不例外,三餐也要在酒店。26日可去Selfridges百貨公司,大減價開始,所有貨品半價,名牌也是但不包括LV,早去呀,人頭湧湧的。Selfridges 內有一店賣牛肉三文治,價錢是£5.8一份,雖貴但很好吃的。(但沒有地鐵)。27曰全線做生意,Harrods 大減價,更瘋狂。

2006-11-12 01:52:58 補充:
The sale will end in January. The later the cheaper, but of course, the good stuff will go quick. Good luck!

2006-11-12 01:57:21 補充:
Are you staying in Ediburgh until New Year? There are celebrations in Edinburgh on New Year's eve, more intersting than London!Harrods......pop in any day before Christmas and see if you could find any treasures.

2006-11-13 00:44:25 補充:
Yes there is a big shopping mall in Glasgow and also you can do shopping around the Sauchihou St (I can't remember the exact spelling). Chinese restaurants are in Glasgow. There is also a big department store in Edinburgh, along Prince's street, just like Harrods.
2006-11-12 1:47 am
enjoy family reunion...make roast chicken, roast beef ^^

2006-11-11 17:48:15 補充:
have to prepare a whole day la...and exchange present lo...

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