
2006-11-12 1:06 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-12 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Liu Hsia (劉俠, pinyin: Liú Xiá)(28 February 1942-8 February 2003), more often known as "Hsinglintzu"(杏林子pinyin: Xìng Lín Zǐ) for her penname, was an influential Taiwanese writer. She was also a social activist, presidential advisor, and founded the Eden Social Welfare Foundation, Taiwan's largest social welfare foundation.

She suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis from when she was 12 years old.

A Ph.D. study of the Christian theology implicit in her writings was produced at the University of Edinburgh in 2006.
2006-11-12 1:14 am

Hsing Lin Tsi
2006-11-12 1:13 am
杏林子原名叫劉俠,因此以漢語拼音來說,英文為liu xia !
參考: me

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