What can government and we do when there is typhoon?

2006-11-11 7:15 pm
What can government and we do when there is typhoon?

回答 (4)

2006-11-11 7:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Government can...
1)The Observatory hois different typhoon signals

We can...
1)put the things to a safty place
Resion: the typhoon may blow them down,such as...
put the plants from the window side into the house

2)Stick the window with some stronger adhesive paper
Resion: to keep the glass be stronger (not easy to break)

3)Stady at home
Resion: there may have thunderstom,landslides,flooding outside

4)Watch the T.V. & listen to the radio
Resion: to know the news of the typhoon
參考: me
2006-11-12 3:31 am
2006-11-11 7:44 pm
stay home!
2006-11-11 7:21 pm


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