
2006-11-11 6:23 pm

回答 (11)

2006-11-11 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
平時老師問既就 one dollar and fifty cents or one dollar fifty cents
寫cheque既話就要 one dollar and fifty cents only
2006-11-16 7:33 am
現實生活中, 英語對答多數只會說 one fifty.

寫支票係寫 One and Cents Fifty Only, 因為支票已印 Dollars 呢個字係前頭, 所以銀碼單位 Cents 都要寫係 Fifty 之前。
2006-11-12 6:06 am
one dollars fifty cents....
參考: me
2006-11-11 8:03 pm
One dollar and fifty cents
2006-11-11 6:34 pm
one dollar fifty cents.

2006-11-11 10:36:22 補充:
sorry , you also can use one dollar and fifty cents.
參考: your teacher
2006-11-11 6:33 pm
one dollar and fifty cents
2006-11-11 6:29 pm
在美国会说ONE FIFTY.-
2006-11-11 6:26 pm
one dollar and fifty cents
2006-11-11 6:25 pm
One dollar fifty cents
2006-11-11 6:25 pm
one dollar fifty cents

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