
2006-11-11 9:33 am

Yeung: 謝謝你的回覆!你指教我的方法,可能是真實的應用在建築外牆或要重新築一道牆才使用! 我想我是沒可能用模版來製的了!(因我想如要請專門的師父來製作,價格應高過“油灰水“很多) 我以為,把舊牆的灰“產“去,再用石屎(或加甚麼),批燙,再上保護油,就可以假扮出來!:) 這有可能嗎?因我想一般師父都有這能耐,又和一般“油灰水“工序一樣!謝謝!:D


kamwahhui: 謝謝你的回覆!我現在知道不是想像般簡單的了! 請問你有會這種工程的師父可以介紹一下嗎?謝謝!:D


kamwahhui: 謝謝你的回覆!你巳教曉我重要而實用的了!我會拿相片出去問問師父可否搞到! 如果真的不行!再問問你!十分感謝你的幫忙!:D

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 4:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am not too sure what is the fair face conrete surface texture visual effect for the shop of IZZUE. However for interior decoration I think you should be reminded of the size of the concrete piece is crucial to the design effect. It may be cast on site or precast unit. Both require careful planning of material and delivery, handling and movement in details.

The surface texture can be smooth if the formwork is mounted with a thin sheet of metal to provide a smooth, fair face surface after casting. Normally a thin veneer coating of plywood is applied with concrete formwork oil to provide a fair face concrete texture. However if the concreting compaction condition and process is not good to achieve the fair face effect, it can have honeycomb and will damage the uniformity of surface, even after repair. So under a limited spactial condition of interior decoration, insitu casting may not be ideal to acheive the visual effect of the design. If you use precast panel, which is under factory condition quality control, then the delivery and handling is a problem in casting is a large piece. So I suggest they can be used in small piece of precast panel and fixed like cladding to walls. This will ensure that if one panel fails, it will be replaced easily and will not have the problem of one honey comb damaged the overall visual effect of surface texture. The materials used is not supposed to be structural but for decoration purposes. However there will be better materials in appearance than fair face concrete in a similar way of construction.So cost and value wise, you have to make a careful decision to consider if fair face concrete visual effect is worthwhile in its quality control and cost of manufacturing.

Does that help you to resolve the design problems? You are welcome to discuss further details of concrete panel edges.

[email protected]
2006-11-16 2:17 am
若要塗上光油, 要等28天後, 讓混凝土強度達到預設的強度,
(一般樓宇混凝土內有水份, 用電子濕度計[$1,400]量度牆身含水量為20%,

1. 先執平牆身
2. 應用英泥用的膠水[袋鼠牌]開英泥
3. 用油掃當油漆塗上牆身
4. 等28天後塗上光油
2006-11-14 6:29 am
想牆壁有清水(Fair Face)混凝土的質感,不是很難,但絕對不易.要做到百分百除了真的倒混凝土外,唯有用技術搭夠.先看看你家的牆壁是石屎的還是磚的,有不同的處理方法,石屎容易D,將不平整的位置先批好,使整體一致,用1比2.5份量的英泥/沙批盪,用壓尺刮平,以棕掃灑水配合磨板磨漿,用硬灰匙先(光)一遍,再用薄灰匙光第二遍,最後(走)一次.翌日乾了會呈現清水的效果,約一周後髹上2--3遍光油,色澤和質感都有九成似.磚牆就要先打底,隔日再批面,工序如上述.效果會差點.方法如此,但成功與否,技術佔很大比例.工程絕對比髹灰水惡搞,預算當然多一些,有十年以上專門批盪的師傅都應該可以做得到,主要是控制時間和水份.

2006-11-18 23:00:29 補充:

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