
2006-11-11 8:41 am



Itinerary pricing

Fare Tax Hong Kong Dollar
22493.00 + 1629.00 x 1 Adult = 24122.00

Total fare 24122.00

回答 (4)

2006-11-11 9:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
As a country without direct flight from Hong Kong... Its not surprised that the price for this flight is so expensive... But you could check on www.zuji.com if they have any tickets at a lower price...
Other way that you could do this trip if you dont mind it being less converenice, you can try to search for a low cost airlines which fly from Sweden to a European city which have direct air link to Hong Kong... Then you can try to book the Hong Kong -Sweden in two sepirate parts to fly from Hong Kong-Europe then Europe-Sweden...
For European low cost airlines website, check the following website: www.lowcostairlines.org
I know this may not help a lot... But do have a look as you may find something reasonable and cheaper by doing two sepirate booking... But if you decide to do it this way, you will have to check-in two times and would require a transit time of around 3hours to be safe if its at the same airport...
I know this doesnt really help... But with Sweden doesnt have direct operation from Hong Kong and also not a very popular destination to Hong Kong people... Its difficult to find cheap reasonable ticket... But anyway, all the best on finding a reasonable ticket at a cheaper cost...
Sorry if these information doesnt help... But with all my experience of flying, thats all I can think of for you so far... If I manage to find an ything else, I will put a update here for you...

2006-11-11 01:24:17 補充:
And also, since you are on a exchange, you will be in Sweden for quite a long while... Finding a cheaper ticket is even more impossible as majority of the airlines which do discount ticket, it would have a staying time for 90days maximum and sometimes 30days...

2006-11-11 01:24:20 補充:
And also, since you are on a exchange, you will be in Sweden for quite a long while... Finding a cheaper ticket is even more impossible as majority of the airlines which do discount ticket, it would have a staying time for 90days maximum and sometimes 30days...

2006-11-11 01:31:44 補充:
Just talking of that, you can take to your travel agency of getting a discount return ticket... And just use the outbound journey of it... Then book another ticket in Sweden to get back to Hong Kong... But besure that these discount ticket doesnt have the penety for no-show at Sweden...
2006-11-12 9:32 pm

Oasis去 London Gatwick,之後再到Stansted機場轉乘Ryanair或其他廉價航空. 現時Stansted 至Stockholm S. Skavsta單程機票是幾乎不用錢@_@!! 0.01GBP + 15GBP 稅.

但要注意廉價航空比較不方便,而且no show的話機票會作廢,唔會有候補,即場買的話就會好貴,所以要事先計劃及預留transit時間.
2006-11-12 7:13 am

一定去問 歐陸旅運

他們會 提供你 不同選擇 包括 轉機 或是 用火車/巴士

你可以自由選用 飛機 轉飛機 或是 飛機轉火車/巴士
2006-11-11 9:08 am
好多航空公司都有做優惠,只要不要選擇一月一日至一月十三日起程及逗留多過30天便可。國泰:斯德哥爾摩 $4,450 01Nov06-31Dec06 14Jan07-31Mar07。
如多過30天,不妨找學聯問一下 Tel:2730 2800。

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