係咪所有polymer(plastic)都冇constant relative molecular mass?

2006-11-11 7:31 am
If yes, 係咪因為
plastic is a mixture of polymeric molecules of different chain lengths?
this is the solution
1.polymeric molecules 係咪等於monomer?
2.我咁等得唔得?plastic is a mixture of monomer of different chain lengths?
3.咩叫做chain lengths,?
4.淨係thermoplastic 先係冇constan relative molecular mass?
咁thermosetting plastic呢?

回答 (1)

2006-11-11 6:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.polymeric molecules 係咪等於monomer?
No, polymeric molecule is the molecules that the monomer have already chained up to a molecules, which the number of monomer units in these ploymer cannot be controlled in a certain value.
2.我咁等得唔得?plastic is a mixture of monomer of different chain lengths?
No, monomer is a single unit of the polymer which molecular mass and structure are FIXED,
3.咩叫做chain lengths?
Chain length is depends on how many unit of monomer bond together form the polymer, the longer chain length the bigger polymer molecule.
4.淨係thermoplastic 先係冇constant relative molecular mass?咁thermosetting plastic呢?
Both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic do not have constant relative molecular mass because we cannot control the number of monomers to form polymer.
the different of thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic is the thermoplastic can change from solid state to liquid state as the temperature raise until it’s chemically decomposed, but the thermosetting plastic cannot change to molten state since there are some cross-linkage between polymer chain, so as the temperature raise the thermosetting plastic will chemically decomposed directly.

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