
2006-11-11 6:54 am
The gravity of the moon is only about one-sixth that of the earth's:
g earth=9.8 ms-2 g moon=1.6 ms-2

a) Try and estimate the maximum height you can reach by jumping on earth. Hence estimate your initial velocity at the moment when your feet leave the ground.

b) Assuming that you can attain the same initial velocity on the moon, estimate the maximum height you can reach if you jup on the moon.

Thank you

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
The gravity of the moon is only about one-sixth that of the earth's:
g earth=9.8 ms-2 g moon=1.6 ms-2
a) Try and estimate the maximum height you can reach by jumping on earth. Hence estimate your initial velocity at the moment when your feet leave the ground.
v2 = u2 – 2gEhE
at the maximum height,v = 0,
such that
02 = u2 – 2gEhE
hE = u2 / 2gE ___(1)
where u is initial velocity,gE = gravity of the earth

b) Assuming that you can attain the same initial velocity on the moon, estimate the maximum height you can reach if you jump on the moon.
gM = gravity of the moon,
v2 = u2 – 2gMhM
at the maximum height,v = 0,
such that
02 = u2 – 2gMhM
hM = u2 / 2gM ___(2)
(2) divide by (1)
hE/hM = (u2 / 2gE)/(u2 / 2gM)
hM = hE(gE/gM) = hE(6/1)
hM = 6hE

2006-11-11 6:59 pm
The gravity of the moon is only about one-sixth that of the earth's:
g earth=9.8 ms-2 g moon=1.6 ms-2
a) Try and estimate the maximum height you can reach by jumping on earth. Hence estimate your initial velocity at the moment when your feet leave the ground.

v2 = u2 – 2gEhE

at the maximum height,v = 0,

such that

02 = u2 – 2gEhE

hE = u2 / 2gE ___(1)

where u is initial velocity,gE = gravity of the earth

b) Assuming that you can attain the same initial velocity on the moon, estimate the maximum height you can reach if you jump on the moon.

gM = gravity of the moon,

v2 = u2 – 2gMhM

at the maximum height,v = 0,

such that

02 = u2 – 2gMhM

hM = u2 / 2gM ___(2)

(2) divide by (1)

hE/hM = (u2 / 2gE)/(u2 / 2gM)

hM = hE(gE/gM) = hE(6/1)

hM = 6hE

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