
2006-11-11 6:45 am
你既第一次係幾歲?係有準備下發生 or 半推半就 or 冇準備下發生

回答 (5)

2006-11-11 11:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
When I was below 25, never has the first time ga!

I dont know why so many people was losing their body so early, their first time was not someone they love, maybe their ex bf.

It is better after get marry to have the first time la, may be my family are believe in God, therefore, they do not allow I have the first before married.

Why I never have the first time before 25-30 because my family is not allow lor and my mother also first time after she marry to my daddy ga!

If peole who has their first time early, do not follow them, you have to protact yourself ga!
2006-11-11 9:57 pm
2006-11-11 6:06 pm
I am a boy !
I also want but I only 1 X yeas old !
參考: MSN : [email protected] !
2006-11-11 5:46 pm
2006-11-11 7:22 am

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