
2006-11-11 6:26 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-12 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 香港沒有外匯管制
(2) 香港的法制及監管較中國大陸完善,更容易吸引外國資金
(3) 香港有出色的銀行及商人銀行
(4) 香港是世界主要的金融中心,市場比國內成熟

(1) 無外匯管制,資金可隨時進出
(2) 有良好的監管機構
(3) 有完善的法律
(4) 有完善的配套,如資訊,銀行等
(5) 該地區的貨幣是穩定及廣泛的認受性
(6) 該地區有足夠的投資者,提供充足的股票流通量


1. The company must be duly incorporated and conform with the law and its memorandum and articles.
2. A company must not be a private one within the meaning stated in the articles.
3. The company and its business must in the opinion of the Exchange, be suitable for listing.
4. A new applicant must an adequate trading record under substantially the same management. This will normally mean that it must have a trading record of not less than 3 years. The Exchange may, however, accept a shorter period in the following cases:
- natural resources exploration companies
- newly formed project companies ( for example, a company formed to construct a major infrastructure project)
- exceptional circumstances where the company hass a trading record of at least 2 years.
5. In the case of a new applicant, the latest financial period reported on by the company's accountants must not have ended more than six months before the date of the listing documents.
6. The Exchange must be satisfied that here will be sufficient public interest in the business of the company and the securities for which listing is sought.
7. There must be an open market in the securities. If the expected market value of a new applicant is $4,000 million or less, at least 25% of any class of listed securites must at all times be held by the public; if the value is more than $4,000 million, the prescribed percentage may be as low as 10% because the numberof securities concerned will usually be sufficient to ensure that there is an open market, Expectionally, the Exchange will accept less that 10 per cent if it is satisfied that the market can operate properly.
8. There must be an adequate spread of holders of the securities to be listed. As a guideline, there should not be less than 3 holders for each $1 million of the issue, with a minimun of 100 holders.
9. A new applicant must have securities held by the public with an expected market value of
- $24.5 million or 25% of the expected initial market value of the securites to be listed, whichever is the highest.
10. There must be no conflict of interest between any controlling shareholder and the general body of shareholders.
11. A new applicant must normally have at least two of its executive directors and its secretary ordinarily resident in Hong Kong. The secretary must have the requisite knowledge to discharge the function of secretary.
12. The company must have an approved share registrar tomaintain its register of members in Hong Kong.
13. The securities for which listing is sought must be freely transferable and issued in conformity with the law and the company's memorandum and articles.

你可以參考: Hong Kong Company Law, Vanessa Stott, Pitman
及香港證券業參考手冊, 香港聯合交易所出版

2006-11-11 6:30 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:57:32
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