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He/she has a bad command of English .....
2006-11-14 21:31:23 補充:
第一個網址有以下例句:Speaking Singlish in those ways does not mean having a bad command of English. Sure, it isn t proper, but if you can switch to proper English if need be, you don't have a problem.
2006-11-14 21:32:47 補充:
第二個網址是字典網站, 有以下例句:She has an impressive (= good) command of the English language.
2006-11-16 10:52:48 補充:
gj: (1) 發問者的提示是 「bad com ?」, 不知你如何接那 com..的下文呢? 回答問題是要兼顧發問者的要求呢. (2) 又請閣下以後正面提供怎樣說才「對」, 而不是只說別人錯. (3) btw, 你能具體補充上次說的甚麼 「someone can UNDERMINE hk people s english competency」 就更好了, 不要一再避重就輕, 否則只會顯得自己的擇「錯」而執 :)