Excel problem!! Urgent

2006-11-11 5:10 am
Would like to ask how to do a summary calculation of different worksheet in a workbook, e.g. I want to do a summary work sheet 1 to show all figure I have calculated in other work sheet 2,3,4,5,6 etc. How to do the link, I have tried to type = cell no, but it didn't work, can anybody help???

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
e.g你在sheet7中的cell, 輸入加formular 的指令(=sum),再去順序select 其他sheet 你要的cell,每次記得輸入cell 與cell之間的運算關係(+ - x / ),做完即可。
2006-11-11 8:55 am
你係唔係唔記得打sheet name???

e.g. 如果你想在sheet 1 show 到sheet 2 cell A20 的內容, 你要係sheet 1 打入"+sheet2!A20"

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