
2006-11-11 4:06 am
1.it's raining cats and dogs
2.It's dog's life
3.Tou can't teach an old-dog new tricks

呢d係idiom, 我要ge係解釋,唔係英譯中

3.you can't teach an old-dog new tricks 最好用番英文解

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.it's raining cats and dogs
means it is raining very heavily

2.It's dog's life
means it's unhappy life

3.You can't teach an old-dog new tricks
means it is very difficult to teach someone new skills or to change their habits or character
2006-11-11 4:18 am
1. 形容落雨落到好大.

2. 形容这个人的生活很累, 很惨.

3. 跟 江山易改,本性难移 有点像... 不过不一定是坏事, 比如说要比喻中年人学不来跳劲舞... 可以说: Mr Chong said that he is already in his mid-40s, so he cannot learn how to dance salsa. Well, I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
參考: me

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