Bunsen burner

2006-11-11 3:46 am
talk about
Bunsen burner :
yellow flame and blue flame's different

I want to know the correct answer in Lamwoo

回答 (3)

2006-11-12 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

Blue flame

Yellow flame

l hotter

l Less hotter

l noisy

l Quite

l non-luminous

l luminous

l irregular

l regular

http://www.greece.k1 2.ny.us/oly/chemistr y/Chemistry%20Icons/ Lab%20Apparatus/burn er%20parts.jpg
A luminous flame is [by comparison] a bright, light emmiting, usually yellow, flame. For example, if you light a match and watch it burn, this is a luminous flame.

A non-luminous flame is a flame in which the fuel is undergoing complete, or near complete, combustion. A non-luminous flame (as the name implies) is much darker than a luminous flame and does not emmit as much light. The color is generally blue and the flame temperature is much higher than that of a num-luminous flame.
One can easily adjust a busen burner or propane torch to make a non-luminous flame.

So, in short, the differences are in:
-color or the flame
-temperature of the flame
-percentage of fuel combusted


Different flame types of Bunsen Burner depending on flow through the throat holes (holes on the side of the bunsen burner -- not to be confused with the needle valve for gas flow adjustment). 1. air baffle closed (Safety flame) 2. air baffle half open 3. air baffle nearly fully open 4. air baffle fully open

http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Bunsen_burn er /srch/cache.html?p=l uminous+flame+non-lu minous+flame&fr= FP-tab-web-t&x=w rt&meta=rst%3Dhk &ei=UTF-8&n= 10&u=answers.yah oo.com/question/%3Fq id%3D1006051528873&a mp;w=luminous+flame+ non+luminous+flame&a mp;d=H1wXACQ8Nckb&am p;icp=1&.intl=hk

2006-11-11 4:05 am
Blue flame is hotter than yellow flame.
Blue flame is noisier than yellow flame.
Yellow flame is very bright.Blue flame is dim.
The shape of blue flame is regular.The shape of yellow flame is irregular.

The inner cone of blue flame is unburnt gas.
參考: textbook,me
2006-11-11 3:52 am
yellow flame due to incomplete combustion (because of insufficient oxygen), carbon is produced in incomplete combustion and gives out yellow flame by burning it

if sufficent oxygen is provided, it will be complete combustion, blue flame will be given out (no carbon produced)

by fungtj

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