
2006-11-11 3:37 am
Halloween is here, and with it have arrived hosts of ghosts! Diango's cost-cutting measures have backfired, and now his workshop is a den of howling spectres, grimacing ghosts and wooden ducks. Can you help him banish all the skeletons from his closet, and hack away the root of all evil? If the answer is yes, then head down to Draynor and take part in this year's holiday event!

回答 (1)

2006-11-11 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
萬聖節是這裡, 和與它有鬼魂的到達的主人! Diango 的消減成本措施事與願違, 並且他的車間現在是嗥叫幽靈、做鬼臉的鬼魂和木鴨子小室。您可以幫助他驅逐所有骨骼從他的壁櫥, 和文丐所有罪惡根嗎? 如果答復是是, 然後朝向下來對Draynor 和在今年假日事件參與!

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