
2006-11-11 3:15 am
大家有冇用過DHC既Q10粉餅同粉底液??好唔好用??Q10透滑細緻粉餅定Q10 2合1柔滑粉餅好d??大家可唔可以比d意見?

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
DHC 粉餅 no good
if u though it, u can feel not so smooth..
i am using bobbi brown is very good....(although is quite expensive)

i use cream before that bobbi brown 粉餅,
already no need to use 粉底液
參考: HIghly recommend
2006-11-11 4:55 am
我覺得唔好用, 同埋好易D粉無左, 搽上面一D都唔貼.

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