easy english question...........

2006-11-11 3:12 am
what is the difference between 「eight-year-old boy」and 「eight years old boy」?
please give a complete explaintion for your answer.
thanks a lot.

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
what is the difference between 「eight-year-old boy」and 「eight years old boy」?

The two phrase have the same meaning.

From Wikipedia
Hyphenation is also common with adjective-noun compound modifiers but, arguably, less generally. Where the adjective-noun phrase would be plural standing alone, it usually becomes singular and hyphenated when modifying another noun. For example, four days becomes four-day week.

Similarly, for 「eight-year-old boy」, we do not need to put a (s) after the word (year).
However, for 「eight years old boy」, we need to put a (s) after the word (year).

I hope I can help you.
2006-11-12 8:20 am
:eight-year-old boy and eight years old boy diffrent is:

eight-year-old boy didn't got a [s], eight years old boy got [s].

{I can help you if you need help}
參考: Helping hand

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