simple interest give steps thx

2006-11-11 2:44 am
Ann deposits $150000 in Hang Fung Bank at an interest rate of 6.5% p.a.At the same time,this bank lends $150000 to Charles at an interest rate of 8.75% p.a.
(a)Find the simple interest that
(i)Ann will get after 1 year
(ii)Charles will pay after 1 year
(b)Suppose the bank lends to Charles the money that it receives from Ann's deposit,and the operation cost for the bank is $1500 per year.Find the profit of the bank in such a transaction after a year.

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1ai 150000 x (6.5%)

1aii 150000 x (8.75%)

1b 13125-9750-1500
2006-11-11 5:41 am
1(a)(i)the simple interest thatAnn will get after 1 year
=$150000 X 6.5% X 1

(ii)the simple interest thatCharles will pay after 1 year
=$150000 X 8.75% X 1

(b)the profit of the bank in such a transaction after a year
=$13125 - $9750 -$1500
2006-11-11 3:15 am
1ai)The simple interest that Ann will get after 1 year
=150000 x (6.5%)

1aii)The simple interest that Charles will pay after 1year
=150000 x (8.75%)

1b The profit of the bank

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 19:06:41
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