Guest Relations Executive

2006-11-11 2:06 am
我o岩o岩apply o左半島酒店既Guest Relations Executive

我係機場做o左3年supervisor,其實係咪related 呢? 人工有無$15000???


小弟係讀hotel management的,另外佢地係咪group interview 架? 有咩要留意???

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 10:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
半島酒店o既Guest Relations Executive(GRE), 其實係under Front Office. 如果你係讀Hotel或者曾任職Hotel, 可能會聽過Hotel有個俗稱"豬油糕"(即GRO)o既post!?

其實你想申請個post就即係GRO(每間Hotel稱呼有異). 個post其實相較Receptionist做o既工種senior少少, 但又未到AM(Assistant Manager)咁"重飛".

一般Receptionist係counter就負責check in/ check out, 但GRE就負責"招呼"客人, 提供VIP服務(因為半島有好多return guest, 半島有電腦紀錄呢類客人喜好, GRE就睇緊呢o的o野! 例如個紀錄個客prefer住邊間房, 又或者個係生日, GRE就要留意返). 有時仲要處理投訴添!

其實份工都幾有挑戰性, 同幾有前途(你做得好就會升AM, 又或者你做一排半島, 出去好多5星酒店爭住請你!). 但份工一般要求應徵者有相關經驗(Hotel Front Office), 你話你之前係機場做左3年supervisor, 就唔太related, 除非你係讀Hotel, 可能會好o的!

至於人工方面, 酒店以前好似set定左, 你講o個個數應該差唔多. 但半島酒店係全行算offer得員工benefit最好o架! 佢o地包你三餐(canteen聽聞係同Inter Con, 算全行最好食!), 基本醫療, 牙醫方面一年包洗兩次牙, 仲有好似工積金offer都有別於一般酒店, 又出差唔多15-16個月糧. 所以o的人一做就做到退休....

****希望資料幫到你, 並祝interview成功!!!
參考: 自己
2006-11-11 2:24 am
It's a very challenge work. Long time ago, it's the position for those with Front Office experience applicant, but don't know nowadays. Your role is in between a Receptionist and Assistant Manager. Greet the guest, provide VIP service or solving whatever the problem they may have.

If you can perform well and with luck, has good chance to promote to be the Assistant Manager, then Assistant Front Office Manager, Front Office Manager, Rooms Division Manager, GM.

No matter what, you should work hard and be considerate.

Salary is depend on your experience and the requirement of the position.

Good luck !

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