
2006-11-11 1:58 am
Be ,am ,is ,are ,being ,was ,were ,been 點解叫Verb to be 依個白癡名??有咩表示??
Be meaning 同唔同 am ,is ,are ,being ,was ,were ,been?? 幾時用??

Present tense 是否會再細分??例如Simple Present tense.

Went <---這個verb 話佢係past tense 定past participle 先岩??

tense 同participle所指ge 野有冇唔同?

回答 (1)

2006-11-11 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Be=I am a student.
She is beautiful.
They are kind.
Sally is being funny.
I was eating the ceraeal this morning.
Thery were doing their homework just now.
I've been to APM.
Present tense=yes
Went=past tence
tense and participle have a difference.
參考: my answers

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