認真help me ah!!!!有冇人現在可以答我呀?20分呀

2006-11-11 1:22 am
我boss叫我write一封warning letter比佢個工人, complaint佢以下的事: 1.回菲律賓探親時用了香港的mobile (我boss paid的) 2.剪了屋企的花去賣 3.車我boss出去的時候著得太causal (著訓教衫) (因他的工人需要駕車接他的) 4. 駕車時太冇耐性, 成日冇啦啦停車 5. 叫佢買東, 佢買西 其實意思大致係咁, 唔駛太detail都ok的... 有冇人help me ah!!!

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

Re: Unsatisfactory Employment Performance

It has come to my attention that your work performance was unsatisfactory as stipulated herein as follows :-

1. Continual usage of employer-paid mobile phone service outside the scope of the employment

2. Unauthorized taking of the employer's belongings, flowers in this case, to be sold for money.

3. Failure to dress up in a tidy fashion when driving employer to work.

4. Impatience when driving causing unnecessary discomfort to employer

5. Failure to carry out orders from the employer in regards to purchasing of items.

On the basis of the above facts hereinabove provided, I, as the employer, issues to you a warning letter in regards to your job performance. If in the case that you, as the employee, repetitively under-perform as deemed by the employer, I may in the future take further actions to ensure my own benefits.

Thank you for your attention.
2006-11-11 2:37 am
This is a warning letter from your master Mr. XXX. You have not been performing well lately, and you are found to have committed the following mistakes. First of all, when you returned to the Philippines for the holidays, you were using the mobile phone that is supposed to be used only while you are in Hong Kong. Mr. XXX has to settle all the expenses incurred for the mobile, and he should not be responsible for your spending. Then, you have picked flowers from the garden and sold them in the market without the knowledge of your master. When you drive Mr. XXX out for a business meeting or social gathering, you are always too casually dressed. Again, you have too little patience when you are driving, and you often stop the car without reasonable excuses. Last but not least, when you are told to buy a certain thing, time and again you come home with something totally different. Please note, unless you behave yourself and correct the above mistakes immediately Mr. XXX will consider terminating your employment.

2006-11-10 18:49:17 補充:
settle = 繳付;spending = 花費;without the knowledge of = 不知曉;again = 此外;without reasonable excuses = 沒有充分理由;time and again = 屢屢, 屢次;please note = 請注意

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