
2006-11-11 1:21 am
一晚, 我的小女兒發高燒和肚痾, 於是帶她往九龍某私家醫院看門診, 當值的兒科醫生說她是腸胃炎, 開了退燒水和一大堆腸胃藥比我, 成600幾蚊, 點知D藥食晒都未好, 仲愈燒愈高(成104度), 嚇到我死, 於是帶佢去附近的私家診所看症, 醫生說她是偏桃腺發炎, 根本不是腸胃炎, 女兒食了藥不久就好了, 請問腸胃炎和偏桃腺發炎是否很難分辨? 發燒過久是否會有後遺症? 怎樣可否告私家醫院誤診?

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.Fever + Diarrhoea usually is due to acute gastroenteritis
2.Acute tonsillitis usually not cause diarrhoea
3.if acute tonsillitis can cause diarrhoea, it likely is due to viral cause
4.Only bacterial acute tonsillitis need antibiotics
5.usually acute gastroenteritis do not need antibiotics
6.evidence is not enough as no photograph or throat swab culture to confirm it must be acute tonsillitis. No one can tell which doctor made the correct diagnosis
7.Both acute gastroeneteritis and acute tonsillitis can have few days of fever despite appropriate treatment was given
8.Usually fever itself dose not cause complications, also that was not happened in your daughter
9.No obvious evidence of any professional misconduct or neglect of the first doctor
參考: me
2006-11-11 2:35 am
可以, 我都試過偏桃腺發炎, 又是發高燒, 但就沒有肚痾, 不過醫生一定會check頸項,尤其是小朋友, 我個女發高燒去看醫生, 醫生一定檢查頸項有沒有腫脹及看喉龍的, 所以他是誤診,只要你去私家醫院投訴及質疑之前醫生有誤診之疑, 要醫院書面解釋, 及取得之後私家診所看症的資料,就可以迫私家醫院回應,及作進一步跟進, 試試看吧!!
我們是有權利的就要爭取, 就算告不成亦可待私家醫院重視醫生質素都好呀!!
2006-11-11 1:32 am
Yes, of cause you can.........

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