
2006-11-11 1:11 am
find somethins about 西"撕"

回答 (2)

2006-11-11 1:25 am
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Xi Shi (西施, Pinyin: Xī Shī, c. 506 BC - ?) was one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China. She was said to have lived during the end of Spring and Autumn Period in Zhuji, the capital of the ancient State of Yue.

Xi Shi's beauty was said to be so extreme that she caused the fish to dip in shame while laundering her garments in the river.

King Gou Jian of Yue, king of Yue, was once imprisoned after a defeat in a war by King Fu Chai of Wu, king of the State of Wu. The state of Yue later became a tribulatory to Wu. Secretly planning his revenge, Gou Jian's minister Wen Zhong suggested training beautiful women and offering them to Fu Chai as a tribute. His other minister, Fan Li, found Xi Shi and Zheng Dan, and gifted them to Fu Chai in 490 BC.

Bewitched by the beauty of Xi Shi and Zheng Dan, Fu Chai forgot all about his state affairs and on their instigation, killed his best advisor, the great general Wu Zixu. Fu Chai even built Guanwa Palace (Palace of Beautiful Women) in an imperial park on the slope of Lingyan Hill, about 15 kilometres west of Suzhou. The strength of Wu dwindled, and in 473 BC Gou Jian launched his strike and put the Wu army to full rout. King Fu Chai lamented that he should have listened to Wu Zixu, and then committed suicide.

In one disputed account of her fate, it was written that Gou Jian ordered Xi Shi to be drowned by being thrown into a lake, to avoid being tempted by her as Fu Chai was.

In legends, after the fall of Wu, Fan Li retired from his minister post and lived with Xi Shi on a fishing boat, roaming like fairies in the misty wilderness of Tai Ho Lake, and no one has seen them ever since.

She is remembered by the Xi Shi Temple, which lies at the foot of the Zhu Lou Hill in the southern part of the city, on the banks of the Huansha River.

The West Lake in Hangzhou is said to be the incarnation of Xi Shi, hence it is also called Xizi Lake, Xizi being another name for Xi Shi, meaning Lady Xi.

There is another well-known figure of unknown origin, probably fictional and parodical, named Dong Shi (東施). The "Dong" in her name means "east", contrasting to Xi Shi's "Xi", which means "west". Apart from her name, she is said to be the exact opposite of Xi Shi in being extremely ugly and, in modern depictions, fat. This in turn has created the saying "Dong Shi imitates a frown" (Xi Shi, being a sickly girl, often had chest pains; it was said that her beauty was most marvellous when she was wincing from the pain), meaning to attempt imitating another work only to show up one's own weaknesses.
2006-11-11 1:38 am
西施名叫施夷光.她是春秋末期的浙江一帶人氏. 浙江苧蘿山下有兩個


她西施. 西施經常與夥伴們在江邊浣紗.紅顏花貌.交相輝映.像出水芙蓉那

樣美麗.當時的越王勾踐想找美女獻給吳王.聽說西施 有沉魚般的美貌.於

是就用了重金聘她. 西施穿上了綾羅綢緞.坐上了華麗的馬車之後.就更顯

得婀娜多姿了.許多百姓為了一睹西施的美貌.都湧到郊外的驛館 去迎候

.以致路上塞滿了人群. 當時有一個傳聞.說負責招聘西施的范大夫傳令下

去:要看美人的人.必須先交一文錢.於是在驛館中設了一個錢櫃收錢. 那錢


樓上憑欄而立.好像仙女下凡一樣.她在 驛館停留了三日.所得金錢無數.那

些錢財全部運回了越國以資助國家財政. 越王勾踐命樂師教西施歌舞儀態

.過了三年.讓范大夫帶著西施進獻給吳王. 范大夫見到吳王.跪拜著說: 『東

海賊臣勾踐.感大王之恩德.遍搜境內.得善歌舞者.以供灑掃之役』 吳王夫

差一見到西施.以為仙子下凡塵.魂魄都丟了!可是伍子胥進言到: 『臣聞:夏

亡以妹喜.殷亡以妲己.周亡以褒似.夫美女者.王國之物也.王不可受』 吳王


娃宮.還修築大水池.以供美人嬉戲遊 玩.夫差對西施寵愛至極.出入都是效


屐.腰繫 銅鈴.翩翩起舞的時候.那舞姿令夫差如痴如醉….. 夫差自從有了西


踐有足夠的時間修養生息.東 山再起. 至於西施的結局也有兩種說法.一種


進皮袋 之中沉於江底. 另一種說法是.西施見到聰慧賢明的范大夫時.已經

深深愛上了他.而范大夫也鍾情於西施.當吳國滅亡之後.范大夫不要 越王


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