What is the meaning of : Oh it has good lighting

2006-11-11 1:07 am
Suppose you plan to go to a newly opened restaurant in town and you wan to find out if it is good befoer making the reservation. So yo ask your friend about it and you friend says 'Oh it has good lighting'.

Anyone can tell me the meaning of 'Oh it has good lighting'? Is this sentence have different meaning? Thank you.

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depending on your friend body language at the time your asked him/her or how well you know him/her. Are they the type to make silly remarks?

It could mean that the restaurant have a good ambiance with the lightings adjusted to the right brightness. Or that the interior design with the lighting is very good.

It could be a sarcastic remark such as that there are nothing much to comment on about the restaurant besides just the lighting. Obviously, he could have commented on how well the food was or how well the service was but instead, he commented on the lighting of a restuarant.
2006-11-11 3:05 am
it has good lighting

形容餐廳設計很有創意, 設計者好有idea!
2006-11-11 1:44 am
啊 ! 它 (餐廳) 的燈光很好 !

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