
2006-11-11 1:00 am
嚴重牙週病令到d牙好唔齊同鬆咗(前面), 我有牙醫跟進,
不過牙醫話我口腔好易有細菌所以好容易有牙石, 所以我想問定d假牙問題..
植牙我無咁多錢, 如果要裝固定既幾錢一隻?
每次裝既假牙可以維修幾耐? 我唔食太硬既嘢, 咁可唔可以保存耐d?
係咪一定要幾年換一次, 咁咪好貴?
因為無錢, 如果裝假牙邊到較便宜(固定), 又安全有信心d?
有無人幫到我?(廿幾咋><, 無晒信心)

回答 (1)

2006-11-11 4:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
有牙週病 not suitable 裝固定(Because d牙好鬆咗) or 植牙(lack of bone), The only choice is acrylic denture (活動假牙)........because the other 鬆牙 will be more comfortable and more convenience to add the other tooth later.....

2006-11-10 20:59:20 補充:
I am sorry!! Just see you only have 20 years old.......oh~~the only way to do is brush your teeth well......hope the teeth because more secure.......then 才可以裝固定假牙 ka~~ you imagine the dental bridge固定假牙 can or can't be fixed on the 鬆牙??? right!!hope this can help!!
參考: I am an experienced dental assistant

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