
2006-11-11 12:50 am
我就黎要選科啦~所以我想問下經濟&會計lee兩科主要係讀咩嫁?多唔多野背嫁~相比起Physics, Chemical, Biology,邊樣難d同多野背d嫁?

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
F4~F5 econ唔難~F6~F7唔係易!
Bio is very interesting~有興趣讀既話會讀得更好~
參考: 5科我都讀過
2006-11-11 2:28 am
As a f.6 student, i hope my advice can help u. What I suppose ur choice right now is quite important because it will affect ur future in both academy and career.
I guess u shouldn't consider the syllabus of the subjects but focus on your interest. Choosing Art stream should likely be a student who likes to express their emotion and love reading or writing. Choosing Science stream would likely need to be always thinking in a logical way.
In fact, i can say the science subjects have quite a lot to memorize too unless u understand all the conepts. Besides, u need to memorize the keywords for the CE, if not u can't gain the mark.
As for Economics, for me, i think it is quite an easy handle subject. u must be quite interesting in daily news because the economics theory would need to apply on different cases. It is not really difficult.
2006-11-11 12:59 am
相比起Physics, Chemical, Biology其實都係差唔多......
參考: 畢咗業ge舊生

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