
2006-11-10 8:45 pm
1) 請問insurance要係出貨前買定係出貨後買?出貨前幾日買家係出貨後幾日買?
2) 報關:重量係net weight定係gross weight?
3) draft (bill of exchange) - a) pay to order 要打乜?
b) the sum of 要打乜?
c) drawn under 係唔係同value received一樣?同埋要打乜?
d) 最下面個to又要打乜?

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 保險要出貨前買. 如走船: 你可以幫forwarder買埋, Book位時買埋,
可以做小d野, 只要補料時, 俾埋你俾客張Invoice就得(剩講Invoice銀碼都得),

2) 報關:重量係用gross weight.

3a) 自己公司名

3b) 發票銀碼

3c) drawn under 係打L/C Number, Issued Date, 同Issued邊間銀行.
例如: Drawn under Document Credit No. IC123456 Date 10Nov, 2006
Issued by ABC BANK.

3d) 開L/C銀行名.即Issued by個間銀行.
參考: 我做shipping
2006-11-10 9:47 pm
去上個船務課程吧 !!

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