FTP Server???

2006-11-10 7:06 pm
請問 FTP Server 是什麼東西. 是怎樣用的. 需要買software嗎?

點樣先可以upload 東西上FTP Server


回答 (3)

2006-11-10 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
FTP 全寫係 File Transfer Protocol
主要用途係用黎傳送/接收 File 既
而 FTP 上有兩部電腦,一個叫 Server,一個叫 Client

Server 果部電腦 set 好曬野之後就可以等其他人 (Client) 連入黎 Upload 同 Download 野

FTP Server 同 FTP Client 都有專用既 software

Windows 下做 FTP Server 既有
G6 - www.gene6.com/
Serv-U - www.serv-u.com/
同 FileZilla Server - http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/

Windows 下做 Client 既
可以用 Internet Explorer/Firefox (firefox.com) 都得
而以下 software 就係專用黎做ftp client 的
FileZilla - http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/
cuteftp - www.cuteftp.com/
SmartFTP - www.smartftp.com/

我本人就比較喜歡用 FileZilla Server 做 Server 同 FileZilla 做 Client.. 因為呢兩個 software support 中文都好好

2006-11-10 11:24:28 補充:
FileZilla Server 做 Server FileZilla 做 Client 兩個都係 Free 既
參考: 自己
2006-11-10 7:17 pm
FTP Server 是什麼東西: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTP_Server
需要買software嗎?: You can dowload the home use versions from www.tucows.com for free
點樣先可以upload 東西上FTP Server: You can use FTP client like SmartFTP Client for free.
2006-11-10 7:16 pm
FTP is File Transfer Protocol and is the most efficient way to transfer file over Internet although without much security.

Most server OS (i.e. Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Linux, etc.) comes with FTP software server. You may refer the following links for more information and additional website for more info.

Reference this link in Chinese:

Reference this link in English:

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