英文問題. qqqqq

2006-11-10 6:50 pm
Ocean Park has taken new measures, thereby reversing the downward trend in the number of its visitors. It has returned to the black. Ocean Park has been so successful that people now regard it in a totally different light. Though threatened by Disneyland, a fearsome competitor, Ocean Park has revived like a phoenix rising from its own ashes, displaying its courage to improve itself in adversity and showing how valuable its brand name is.

Not only have such attractions appealed to mainland visitors, but they have also rekindled local people's interest in visiting it. The number of its visitors has reached a record high. In recent years,前文


請問 Ocean Park has been so successful that people now regard it in a totally different light 中的people now regard it in a totally different light 係點解?

回答 (3)

2006-11-10 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
海洋公園採取採施, 扭轉了遊客數量下降的頹勢, 並且轉虧為盈. 公園的策略很成功, 讓人對它完全另眼相看. 雖然海洋公園面對迪士尼樂園這個強勁的競爭對手, 它卻像浴火風凰般重生, 展現出在逆境中求變的勇氣, 更印證了它的品牌的價值.

這些景點不僅吸引內地遊客, 同時也重新喚起本地市民對海洋公園的興趣, 入場人數屢創紀錄. 近年來.........

light 那一句, 如果把light理解成 角度, 便容易明白

2006-11-10 18:15:41 補充:
第一句 打錯字 採取措施
2006-11-10 7:49 pm
同時,他們使之復燃了現場人和#39的; 那樣的加演節目對只是適合本土訪問者的愛好,訪問那個的事的s關心。 訪問者的數達到了最高價。 近幾年海洋公園實施新的對策,那個結果,反過來有了在訪問者的數的下跌傾向。 那個迴轉了到黑字。 因為海洋Park非常順利,人們現在,在完全不同光中看作那個。 迪斯尼樂園,根據可怕的競爭對手被威脅,不過,Ocean Park為了象由那個自己的灰上升的不死鳥一樣地復甦了,在逆境改良那個自己表現勇氣,表現品牌名多少貴重。

問:請問 Ocean Park has been so successful that people now regard it in a totally different light 中的people now regard it in a totally different light 係點解?
2006-11-10 6:56 pm
海洋公園實施新的對策,那個結果,反過來有了在訪問者的數的下跌傾向。 那個迴轉了到黑字。 因為海洋Park非常順利,人們現在,在完全不同光中看作那個。 迪斯尼樂園,根據可怕的競爭對手被威脅,不過,海洋公園為了象由那個自己的灰上升的不死鳥一樣地復甦了,在逆境改良那個自己表現勇氣,表現品牌名多少貴重。

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