2006-11-10 6:34 pm
想問下新的IBT TOEFL 的具體考試方法.
例如writing的第一個綜合文章寫作,系先閱讀一篇文章3min or 5min???之後,閱讀文章會不會再出現給考生參考呢?
oral 第1,2 條問題題目,考生看不看到?,還是題目只系從script裡面聽出來? 不明白=.=
有否誰可以給我詳細解答IBT TOEFL 的具體考試方法呢?

回答 (1)

2006-11-10 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
for writing section, first of all, you have to read a paragraph for 3-5 min, and then they will give you a conversation to listen which is related to what you have read in the paragraph,

you will have 2 essays to write in the writing section, one is to summarize what you have read, and the other one is based on your opinion. But these 2 essays are related to two different topics

oral part: there are 6 oral questions, you have less than 30 seconds to prepare for what you have to say. and you have approximately 40-60 second to answer.

for more idetail and accurate nformation, please visit the following website

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