present perfect tens 是怎麼時候用的

2006-11-10 7:15 am
present perfect tens 是怎麼時候用的,用的時候要加甚麼助語詞?

回答 (3)

2006-11-10 7:20 am
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have / has + 動詞的過去分詞

(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;
(2) 過去已經開始並持續到現在的動作或狀態;
(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。

I have written a letter now.
I have written a letter this morning.

* 如果說話時仍屬早上,句子是對的。

I have written a letter this week.

* 如果說話時仍屬這個星期,句子是對的。

I have written a letter this month.

* 如果說話時仍屬這個月,句子是對的。

I have written a letter yesterday. ﹝錯誤﹞

* 說話時不屬於昨天,句子是錯的。

應說:I wrote a letter yesterday.﹝我昨天寫了一封信。﹞

Has he gone?﹝他已走了嗎〈剛走了嗎〉?﹞

Yes, he has gone.﹝他已走了〈剛走了〉。﹞

No, he has not gone.﹝他仍未走。﹞


When has he gone?﹝他何時候剛走了?﹞ ﹝錯誤﹞

* 錯誤有:1. 文法上的錯誤Grammatical mistake
2. 邏輯上的錯誤Logical mistake


應說:When did he go?﹝他何時走了。﹞

He went yesterday.﹝他昨天走了。﹞

動詞的現在完成時態不能與 "when" 這個疑問副詞同用,

Where has he gone?﹝他剛到哪裏去?﹞

Why has he gone?﹝他為何剛走了?﹞

How has he gone?﹝他剛才怎樣走的?﹞


I have gone.﹝我已走了。﹞﹝錯誤﹞

You have gone.﹝你己走了。﹞﹝錯誤﹞

He has gone.﹝他已走了。﹞﹝正確﹞

* 頭兩句犯了邏輯上的錯誤。

I have come.﹝我已來了。﹞﹝正確﹞

You have come.﹝你已來了。﹞﹝正確﹞

He has come.﹝他已來了。﹞﹝正確﹞

現在式 be(am,are,is)
現在分詞 being
過去式 was/were
過去分詞 been

Where have you been?﹝你去過哪裏?﹞
I have been to City Hall.﹝我去過大會堂。﹞
I have been to school.﹝我上學回來。﹞

I have been to the school.﹝我到過學校。﹞

*"to school"為上課而到學校;"to the school"為其他目的而到學校。
I have been to market.﹝我買菜回來。﹞

I have been to the market.﹝我到過菜市場。﹞
I have been to hospital.﹝我看病回來。﹞

I have been to the hospital.﹝我到過醫院〈多指探病〉。﹞


Have you been sick?

Yes, I have been sick.

Yes, I have been sick for ten days.


How long have you been sick?﹝你病了多久?﹞

I have been sick for a month.

Have you been in America?﹝你到過美國嗎?﹞

Yes, I have been in America twice.﹝我到過美國兩次。﹞

Have you been at Shatin?﹝你到過沙田嗎?﹞

Yes, I have been at Shatin.﹝我到過沙田。﹞

Have you seen that movie?﹝你看過那齣電影嗎?﹞
Yes, I have seen that movie.﹝我看過那齣電影。﹞
2006-11-10 7:38 am
Present Perfect Tense 現在完成時態

This is tense is used to express an action that began in the past and has been finished at the time of speaking or is still continuing.

The Present Perfect Tense is usually used with words like ‘just', ‘already’, ‘since’, ‘for’, ‘yet’ etc.

a) The action started in the past at some moment and it has just finished when talking about.


I have just done my homework.

Mother has already swept the floor.

b) The action happened in the past and it is still going on at this moment.


John has lived in Hong Kong for many years.

They have studied at this school for five years.

c) The event or the action has been repeated a number of times up to now.


They have been to China three times.

Mary has sung in a concert once.

d) 'Yet' is used in the Present Perfect Tense to express something not done up to the present moment.


Jacky has not finished his homework yet.
2006-11-10 7:20 am
The present perfect is used when the time period has not finished:
e.g I have seen three movies this week.

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