高手救命 q q q q q q q q q q q

2006-11-10 6:23 am
Most researchers, Dr BBB among them, believed that an effective vaccine would need to be one capable of reproducing in the body as a wild virus would do. Their aim was to breed weak, or `attenuated`, types of the target virus that would be viable but harmless. Dr sss believed, on the basis of work with influenza vaccines, in an alternative approach.

on the basis of work with influenza vaccines, in an alternative approach.

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大部分的研究員,BBB 博士便是其中之一,相信一種有效的疫苗需要是一種能在身體中自行繁殖,就像一種野生的病毒所能夠的。 他們的目的是要繁殖弱的,或廋長的品種,是目標病毒的無害品種。sss 博士,基於他在感冒疫苗的研究基礎上,則相信另一個方法。

on the basis of work with influenza vaccines, in an alternative approach.

在感冒疫苗的研究/工作基礎上,信另一個方法。 後面個 IN 是跟前面個 BELIEVED。可以改成:

Dr sss believed in an alternative approach because of his working experience with influenza vaccines.

正如上面位所說,是中間個 CLAUSE 令你混淆。

問題是這篇有講 BBB 博士的方法,但無講 sss 博士的方法,所以有些亂和不清楚。是否下一段會講?
2006-11-10 8:00 pm
Most researchers, Dr BBB among them, believed that an effective vaccine would need to be one capable of reproducing in the body as a wild virus would do. Their aim was to breed weak, or `attenuated`, types of the target virus that would be viable but harmless. Dr sss believed, on the basis of work with influenza vaccines, in an alternative approach.
(是能大部分的研究人員(他們中的BBB博士),象有效的疫苗,粗野的病毒不要緊一樣地乘車身再生的1個的相信必要。 那些的目的實行可能,是培育可是,無害的目標病毒弱、'衰減的類型'。 sss博士按照由於流行性感冒·疫苗的工作相信代替的方法。

on the basis of work with influenza vaccines, in an alternative approach.

in an alternative approach
2006-11-10 7:00 am
Dr. sss 基於他在流感疫苗方面的工作,相信應該從一個不同的方向研究。
2006-11-10 6:54 am
....Dr sss believed, on the basis of work with influenza vaccines, in an alternative approach....

...基於他對感冒疫苗的研究, Dr sss 相信另一種方法....

至於什麼方法, 你 quote 的句子並未提到. 如果你讀多幾句, 可能會提到

2006-11-09 23:03:42 補充:
如果已經係成段了, 咁我估作者的意思是 Dr sss 不認同 "reproducing vaccine in the body"
2006-11-10 6:39 am

2006-11-09 22:58:41 補充:
係咪講話,傳統既vaccine主要係modified而weak d既target virus(例如smallpox)去預防疾病。咁流感病毒成日mutate嘛,就唔可以用呢個approach啦。

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