食物中的鐵質是脂溶性? 或是水溶性?

2006-11-10 5:27 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ionic Iron
It depends on the nature of substances since some iron salts are insoluble in water. However, most iron salts are water soluble.

Organic Iron
It refers to those iron combine with protein or other organic compound. It depends on the nature of the compound since some protein can dissolve in water, but are not.

For iron itself only, it never be fat solution.
2006-11-10 5:32 am
水溶性... 絶大部分食物既電解質都係水溶
2006-11-10 5:34 am
食物中既鐵質一般等同鐵離子, 係水溶性既
不過有一d 鐵質, 係會complex 左係一d 蛋白質入面, 例如響肉類

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