what is the use of dry cells?

2006-11-10 5:18 am
what is the use of dry cells?

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q:what is the use of dry cells?

A:A dry cell or a battery is a source of electrical energy. One pole of the dry cell has a positive charge. The other pole has a negative charge. The dry cell "pushes" current from the negative pole through a circuit and back to the positive pole. This electrical "push" is like the push of the water pump shown. The pump does work on the water to send the water back up the pipe. The dry cell does work on the electrons to send current through the circuit.

Notice in the first circuit diagram how each part of the circuit is connected. A wire leads from the dry cell to the bulb. Another wire connects the bulb back to the dry cell. Current follows the path from the dry cell through the bulb and back to the dry cell. The lighted bulb shows that current is flowing. The circuit is closed because the path for current to follow is unbroken.

Notice that the bulb in the other circuit diagram is not lighted. The circuit is open because one of the wires is not connected. Current cannot flow in this open circuit because the path has been broken. Current can flow only in a closed circuit


2006-11-10 7:57 am
Dry cells are same as batteries~
2006-11-10 6:22 am
Dry cells are same as batteries. They are used for portable device link mobile phones, radios, Portable muisc players..etc. They can be rechargable or non-rechargable.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 23:09:12
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