Deluxe (貴版) vs Luxury (平版)

2006-11-10 5:18 am
請問 deluxe 與 luxury 的性能價格比如何? 以1500 cc 的日本車為例, 何者較為化算?

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 1:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
通常Deluxe版只係會比Luxury牌多左少少「門面功夫」, 例如採用真皮座椅 (有d車款或有電動座椅), 多少少電子野, 桃本裝飾, 最多都係多套包圍, 引擎基本上一d分別都冇, 如果一系列既追加設備你認為唔一定需要, 只係貪部車行得走得用黎代步既話, 自然係平版較抵買, 無謂為左少少門面野而額外俾多幾萬蚊~
2006-11-14 1:27 am
It depends on what is your budget to buy the car........if the price is just add ard 10,000........then i prefer u to buy deluxe version as the second market price will be a bit better...........

Also i like drive a car with sun is cool and comfortable when driving at a sunny day ....(but not a hot day)...... ^_^

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