所有籃球,please help me

2006-11-10 4:42 am
我想要所有籃球嘅資料,價錢,圖片,名,介紹. example:Nike 500,1000....
另外,我知道有D 波叫Spalding...類似咁嘅名,但係有好多款,please 各位高手俾不同嘅資料,價錢,圖片,名,介紹. 總之,我要好多嘅資料,價錢,圖片,名,介紹. THX

順便問埋,.沙田區or最近沙田嘅地方邊到有花式籃球學?(請說明係邊到,for咩年齡,費用and 簡介.我只係要花式籃球,no花式籃球+舞)


回答 (3)

2006-11-22 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go to niki.com
Go to spalding.com
Go to ebay will be cheaper
But go just go ask your friends
Or go to Nba.com

If there you still did not like, go to internet goods to search

I hope these information will help you
2007-03-16 7:57 pm
2006-11-22 2:53 am
參考: ME!

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