請提供 "英文課程"

2006-11-10 4:30 am
本人是中五畢業, 但英文程度自覺只有小學水平,
有無啲英文課程較淺白, 易明, 仲要有水準同埋
主力商業英文. 最好係銅鑼灣, 灣仔區,
但千其唔好介紹"英國文化協會, 英國語文學校, well street"此三間.

**** 請各位幫幫手 ****

回答 (3)

2006-11-11 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
at yahoo search for: 技能提升計劃, 入去看那些課程及地區合你.另外一個是顧員再培訓局課程, 這些地方師資一流. 上課時間一般是晚間大槪二小時. 何能七至十堂. 費用大槪$200-300.因為時間多,不似食快餐咁難消化. 我學 excel都是在顧員再培訓局課程讀初班. 在工作上幫不少忙.在 技能提升計劃,學咗兩個進出口貨程,非常實用.祇時數百塊,可為自已增值, 同時spend leisure. 因為上課時唔使咁strict, 唔同你讀中小學咁伸苦.
2006-11-14 6:28 am

Diploma Programmes
Diploma Programme in Business Communication for Executives
Diploma Programme in Business Communication and Office IT Skills for Executives
Executive Diploma Programme in Advanced Business Communication
Professional Diploma Programme in English Presentation Skills
Diploma Programme in Teaching English as a Second Language (Cycle 23)

Certificate Programmes
Certificate Programme in English Speaking Skills for the Workplace
Certificate Programme in English Writing Skills for the Workplace
Certificate Programme in English Communication Skills for the Office
Certificate Programme in Business Communication
Certificate Programme in English Communication and IT Skills for the Office
Certificate Programme in Business Communication and Office IT Skills
Certificate Programme in English (Elementary)
Certificate Programme in English (Intermediate)
Certificate Programme in Tourism English
http://www.scs.cuhk. edu.hk/scs/course/la ng/eng/?disp=en
2006-11-13 6:37 am
提供一個 TOEIC 國際認可考試
我之前都有讀 , 都幾好 , 因為出黎做野都用得返
如果想了解多 D 課程內容 , 歡迎聯絡我
MSN: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
參考: 課程顧問

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