
2006-11-10 2:53 am
1.What do people in Hong Kong usually do on Mother's day?
2.How do you feel toward your mother?
3.Where did you go?
4.What did you do?
5.How did you feel?
6.How did your mother feel?

回答 (2)

2006-11-10 3:35 am
Hong Kong people usually show their loves and respects to their dear mother on Mother's day. I am so jealous but I have nothing to do ...

On the last Mother's Day , I went to the hospital and visited my lovely but weak mother .I smile at her and I could feel she was happy.We talked a lot about everything, happy or sad . " I am so tired and I have to sleep now .Good bye ,my dear son..."

Today ,I think about her again.Actually ,I think her everyday,even every minute.

Mother, I miss you.
2006-11-10 3:08 am
1.They bought flowers to their mother or sang the song to their mother,also,they brought their mother to the restaurant to eat dim sum.
2.I felt my mother is beautiful and great,she is the greatest in the world
3.I went to the flower market to buy the most beautiful flower.
4.I felt very happy.
5.She felt very happy too.

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