windows server 2003如何同一時間有三至四個account remote desktop?

2006-11-10 2:43 am
windows server 2003如何同一時間有三至四個account remote desktop? 因我有兩個account remote緊第三個remote就唔俾喇...

回答 (1)

2006-11-10 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Remote desktop is by default enabled and allow up to 2 administrators to connect thru. RDP. This is call RDP remote admin mode.

In order to get 3rd user or non-admin users on thru RDP, you must install Terminal Serivce (choose to install in Application Server Mode) + Terminal Service Licensing server. Both components are installed thru Add/Remove Programs > Windows Components.

1. Install Terminal Service in Application Server Mode.
2. Open Terminal Server Manager and change terminal server licensing mode to per user licensing mode (right-click on server name and properties)
2. Install Terminal Service Licensing Server component.
3. Open Terminal Server Licensing and active your terminal server with Microsoft Clearing House to enable your Terminal server licensing component thru the Internet (this step does not cost any money, this step is required to use terminal server in application server mode past 120 days. using Terminal server. All it does is to enable it and generate a unique x.509 certificate for your terminal service licensing server.)
4. After the above, all administrators can connect thru RDP, but you must add any users or group to the Win2K3 server Remote Desktop Users Group to enable non-admin users to connect thru RDP.

You may reference the following for more details:

And also read this Win2K3 terminal server licensing guide:

2006-11-09 19:57:24 補充:
You also need to buy Microsoft Terminal Server Client connection license in order to use it pass the default 120 days if you choose not to install the Terminal Server Licensing component at this time. Otherwise you'll be back to 2 admin users max. after 120 days.
參考: Experience

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:20:19
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