請問可以幫我翻譯為英文?? (10點,麻煩咁多位)

2006-11-10 2:18 am
我想問upload file今次o既cut off day係幾號-幾號 或者wk 幾多-wk 幾多???
我要知道cut off day o既原因係因為要對返o的record岩唔岩,有冇入錯野!!!

回答 (3)

2006-11-10 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
(問最近一次的cut off day)
Hi can you tell me the most recent cut off day of uploading files?
I need to know the exact date because I have to synchronize 同步 (or crosscheck) the record data to make sure they are correct.
Thank you for your attention.

(問下一次的cut off day)
Hi can you tell me the next cut off day of uploading files?
I need to know the exact date because I have to synchronize (or crosscheck) the record data to make sure they are correct.
Thank you for your attention.

如資料有2份 (如電腦1份+單據1份), 用synchronize 同步, 意思是將2份data的資料較對
可用 crosscheck (反覆查對)

Hope it helps!
參考: 自己
2006-11-10 2:34 am
I would like to know when is the cut off day for uploading the file, or how much is the wk.
I need to know the cut off day because I need to check back with the record, to see if I have entered the wrong data.
參考: translated all by myself
2006-11-10 2:21 am
我要知道cut off day o既原因係因為要對返o的record岩唔岩,有冇入錯野!!!

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